Art is from heaven, mediocrity is from hell. A filet crochet wolf howling at the moon, hung in a hallway is from beyond hell.
This piece, from a crocheter's standpoint is just horrendous. It is unblocked, lopsided, hung in the cheesiest of all places and just horrible. "My mom made it for a friend of hers at Xmas" THE LOOKS tells us. Some friend.
As if that wasn't bad enough, take a look at the headless doll in the lower left hand corner. . . oh wait, maybe its hiding. . . and the needlepoint art work hung on the right side. Hung way too high, and its even worse than the wolf image.
For only $80.00, you too can own this masterpiece, and it can be customized. Find it at http://www.etsy.com/.
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