It was only a matter of time until taxidermy hit this page. These squirrels and stoats were supposedly part of a marketing campaign for a Scottish brewery called BrewDogs. The brew and er. . . victims sold for 500 pounds each. Its difficult to imagine why any company would want to use taxidermied stoats, squirrels and hares for their marketing campaign, or why anyone would even want to kill and stuff animals in the first place. Perhaps in Europe or Kentucky people have a different opinion of what's acceptable, but frankly, I'm confounded as to why this was a good marketing campaign, who thought it up, and further, who would carry this idea to fruition.
These sold though, and some taxidermist made a hefty profit. I looked up the company blamed for this monstrosity at www.brewdog.com, and they didn't showcase this particular line of brew. In any event, we all know what PT Barnum had to say. . .
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